Friday, February 18, 2011

Goal #2: Lose the Baby Belly

I have never been a self-conscious person, but since having my baby, I have discovered how difficult it is to lose the belly afterwards. So that's one of my goals. I found an article with some ideas for yoga to target the abs... maybe I'll try some of them out!


  1. Ugh, I am not ready for this challenge, but I am definitely going to check out the article and get my butt in gear as soon as possible. But I do have to admit I was thinking the other day about how spankx could be in my future :)

  2. @Natalie, I don't know if they'll give you one, but after my delivery I was given a "binder" to wear around the clock for the first week or so after delivery. It made me feel so much better... having the baby out of you after you've gotten to be so big leaves you with this loose uneasy hangey and sort of uncomfortable/sometimes painful feeling in the belly. The binder wraps around your entire midsection and velcros shut to however tight you need it. It also helps your uterus shrink down properly and your belly gets smaller faster. I would look into finding one if you won't be given one at your delivery. I'm keeping mine and taking it to the hospital for child #2 in case they don't give me one then.
