Thursday, July 21, 2011

Thought Vomit Thursday

So a friend of mine has finally put into words everything I think and feel about the popular blog concept of "Wordless Wednesdays"... we agree.... the idea sucks. So Nat's response that I have of course stolen is "Thought Vomit Thursday." It is everything you think it will be. I'll give you everything that's on my mind. All at once. Try to keep up. Ready? Here goes.

I have the most wonderful husband in the entire world. You might think "no, I do," but you're wrong. Mine is better. Plus also, he's a HOTTIE. I think that the Children's Hospital policy about not allowing food and drink in the radiology "area" is wonderful, because all the poor kiddies there have had to starve themselves to death fast for a long time and they don't need you eating in their face. However, when you have to have an infant ready, buckled in the car seat and on the road to the hospital by 6:30am, there is no time to eat before hand unless you're one of those weird morning people. Plus I have nothing to do for minimum of 1 1/2 hours so eating breakfast while I wait sounds like a great plan. Luckily, Children's has kindly recognized this little problem and created a seating area right outside their little breakfast cafe where it's perfectly ok to eat. So you can imagine my irritation when I was quietly eating my breakfast in the appropriate location and was interrupted by a 2 year old girl waiting to be called back to radiation screaming to her mom that she wanted to eat my food. The mom came over, picked up her daughter, and shot me a NASTY look. Um, excuse me? I'm eating in the designated cafe area and your daughter should be waiting for radiology in the RADIOLOGY waiting room where food isn't allowed. Don't shoot me a dirty look for following directions when clearly you're the incompetent one here. Can I just tell you how excited I am for the premier of the new Project Runway season? SO excited. I have waited for it for so long that I started to think they weren't doing a new season. Plus also, my life certainly does not revolve around my DVR, but when I want to kick back with a brew and a fun show, this summer has been a TOTAL DVR letdown. So it's super exciting to have PR back. So like 2 weeks ago, I turned my ankle and blew out my BRAND NEW super cute pair of flip flops. It didn't pull all the way out, just enough to not work anymore. Any ideas? Can it be fixed? Or will I be forced to drop another (gasp) $12 to buy another pair?

Our apartment is crazy. It's so hot during the day and so cold at night (unless you ask my husband. He can sleep under the AC, blasting ceiling fan, plus an extra little night stand fan and still be hot). So being the geniuses that we are, we figured out that perhaps we could achieve better climate control and therefore save money on our AC bill if we hung some sort of cloth to block the solar heat out. Here is our current solution:

We're thinking.... maybe.... just maybe.... we'll make the investment and get curtains. In case you're wondering, yes OF COURSE I'm watching Project Runway re-runs while baby girl naps and I blog. Duh. So here's the dilemma. We don't want to block out all of the light but we do want to block out as much solar heat as possible. Plus also we don't want to buy million dollar curtains. So I'm thinking I'll make them myself. What type of fabric would all of you geniuses in the blog world recommend for such an endeavor? We are talking about 2 windows that reach from, you know, one corner of our apartment to about 11 miles down the road. So they're going to be real big curtains. The nurse who worked with us at Children's today gave Cadence a pack of little toys and a book to take home today. So sweet! They are so good to us there. We are so incredibly lucky to have such a wonderful medical facility to treat my baby girl. I get either LASIK or PRK a week from tomorrow. Yes, either. I won't know which until the day of the operation. Which is nerve wracking because we've been told that if I have to have PRK (a very likely scenario) that I won't be able to care for Cadence on my own for 3 days. If I get LASIK I'll be good to go after like 24 hours. But if they do the wrong one for my eyes there are some pretty intense risks, so I'm praying that they'll make the right choice and we'll make it work and my poor husband won't go insane trying to hold down the baby fort all by himself. Also, it would be just stellar if my freaking headaches would go away when it's all said and done. Tomorrow I seriously have FIVE different things that I've been asked to attend. So I finally reached my breaking point and just decided that I would do the 2 that I was asked to do first and have already committed to and not stress about the other 3. Sorry peeps! Ok I think that's all that's on my mind. For this particular Thought Vomit Thursday, anyway. The End.

1 comment:

  1. Try sewing those cheap solar camping blankets (the aluminum foil type ones to the back of whatever beautiful or cheap fabric you choose. I think it'll reflect the heat away from inside your apt. Just a thought. Haven't tried it myself. :)
