I realize that I haven't written a blog post in over a month... so if anyone actually reads this, I apologize. Between traveling, me getting the flu, and Cadence getting the flu, time just got away from me. This week I received an urgent message from an old friend. I returned the call to find out that a very close friend of mine had died. I feel that eventually I will emerge from my grief and have a ton of wonderful things to tell you about the life that Lindsey had and the amazing person that she was, but for tonight, I am immersing myself in a playlist of the music we loved to listen to together and prayer that she is in a better place. And if you can read blogs from heaven, Linds, know that your impact on this world was immense, and also that I'm still proud to be co-president of the Quitters Club. If you were here, I'd call a meeting to order for sure!